1. OANDA Prop Trader FAQ
  2. Trading as OANDA Prop Trader

Can I have and trade from multiple accounts?

We welcome all kinds of trading strategies if these are not based on copy trading, or usage of the same or slightly modified EAs that are being followed. You can participate in multiple Challenges and run various trading strategies as long as these do not violate our terms regarding Forbidden Trading Practices in the Assessment Terms and Conditions. Violation of these terms may lead to loss of access.

We do not allow trading from multiple Prop Trader accounts once traders receive a virtual capital allocation. If a Trader successfully completes multiple OANDA Prop Challenges, the virtual capital will be merged in a single account up to a maximum of $500,000. If a trader completes a Challenge that would result in the virtual capital allocation being greater than $500,000, the capital will not be merged into or allocated to a virtual account until such time as the trader no longer has an active allocation, and a new virtual allocation will be created.

Do note: You can only have 1 active funded account at any given time